Life Sciences Workforce Conference

MassBioEd 2024 Life Sciences Workforce Conference

MassBioEd’s Annual Life Science Workforce Conference brings together representatives from the life sciences industry, academic institutions, training providers, and community leaders to explore the issues and strategies in building a strong, life sciences workforce in the current shifting landscape. The 2024 Life Sciences Workforce Conference: Navigating Expansion and Contraction: Building a strong and diverse life sciences workforce for the long game was held in June at Boston University.

Conference Highlights

  • Yvonne Greenstreet, CEO of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Julie Kim, President of the U.S. Business Unit, U.S. country head and member of Takeda’s Executive Team, led an engaging conversation with questions and answers, offering their insights into Building a Strong and Diverse Life Sciences Workforce while Navigating Expansion and Contraction in the Sector.
  • Key findings from the newly released MassBioEd’s 2024 Massachusetts Employment Outlook were presented.
  • Strategies for retaining and expanding Massachusetts’ global leadership in the life sciences were presented by state leaders: Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Secretary Lauren Jones, Senator Sal DiDomenico.
  • 70+ Industry representative on 18 Industry teams meet with 70+ Representatives on 18 Teams of Educators and Training providers to engage in conversations to deepen each others’ understanding of current talent needs, curriculum, and partnership opportunities in the Life Sciences.

Recap of #LSWC24

  • Nearly 500 people attended
  • 38% industry; 38% academia; 17% non-profit; 7% government attended
  • 37 speakers across eleven sessions in one day
  • 25 sponsors
  • 14 exhibitor booths

Check back for upcoming information on the 2025 Life Sciences Workforce Conference.