Our mission is to build a sustainable life sciences workforce in the region through educational programs that engage and excite teachers, inspire and propel students, and illuminate the pathway from the classroom to career with a focus on expansion, opportunity, and diversity.
In 2001 the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio) founded the Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation (MassBioEd), a non-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation, to address the workforce needs of the Massachusetts life sciences industry.
Since its founding, MassBioEd has created and refined programs to train educators in biotechnology, excite students about science, and expose students to college and career opportunities within the life sciences. We work to bring industry and education stakeholders together to help align training with industry needs.
A recent, independent evaluation and assessment report noted that MassBioEd’s greatest assets are its deep ties to the life sciences industry and the network of life sciences organizations, its in-depth analysis of the life sciences labor market, and its ability to work across the continuum of industry and academia.
The life sciences are critically important. It is more important than ever to educate the next generation, promote the diverse career opportunities within the industry to underserved communities, and bring in new skilled workers. MassBioEd is committed to meeting those challenges.